New products
Being Nemesis a dynamics company in continuous expansion, new models come created periodically in order to satisfy the various demands and in order to ulteriorly perfect the systems of weighing and labeling HSC 350. Various accessories, like metal-detector or ejectors to air can be integrated in the production lines and, in case of necessity, new accessories can be created for you.
HSC350 2011 Series
Wednesday, June 8, 2011 - 08:15.The 2011 HSC350 family include series able to function at diversified speeds of up to 480 pieces per minute and can be used in the most different sectors...

New checkweigher Serie H
Friday, July 16, 2010 - 14:03.Te new HSC350 H-Series gives the possibility to obtain a dynamics weighing of products that are characterized by their high dimensions and weights (until 30Kg), as paperboard and packaging, ensuring a high weighing accuracy and ...

New Traceability software for checkweigher
Friday, April 23, 2010 - 15:05.The new software can run on any machine of the HSC350 series, from checkweighers to the weight-price labeller of all kinds. Moreover...

New weigh-price labeller
Monday, March 15, 2010 - 18:08.The new HSC350 KC uses a new "C" labeling system ables to seal the product by the application of the label that will be positioned on three sides of the product...

New weight-price labeller
Tuesday, May 26, 2009 - 13:43.The new HSC350 K1 reassumes starting from 1000 mm of length the complete funcionality of an automatic weigh-price labeller: It is possbile, with just one conveyor belt...

New compact checkweigher Serie S
Tuesday, October 21, 2008 - 13:49.Thanks to its modular construction, the new standard checkweigher HSC350 allows the dynamic weighing of your products with very high precision and only two tape conveyor: It reassumes in 700 mm...

New checkweigher combined with metal-detector
Friday, July 4, 2008 - 14:10.Thanks to the integration of metal-detector system on the feeding conveyor of checkweigher, the new HSC350 serie M reassumes, starting from 900 mm of length...