Documentation for checkweigher and weigh-price labeller, Serie HSC350
In this section there are some video that shows the product of serie HSC350 in function in different field of application. There are also available, in PDF format, the brouchure with technical characteristics of standard model.

Brouchure generale HSC350
Below, you can find the general brouchure HSC350 in PDF format
And the special brouchure for the standard model of serie HSC350
Standard checkweigher

HSC350 - Serie C
The smallest of the standard checkweigher available in the HSC350 family. Versatile and compact, it is the best solution to integrate a weigh control in a very small space.
HSC350 - Serie B
A little bit large than Serie C, this standard checkweigher is destined to weighs more larger and heavy product. Typically used in the agro-industrial field, it is anyway an optimal solution for the other field of apllication.
HSC350 - Serie S
The standard checkweigher serie S is used in the chemical / pharmaceutical field: its very high precision integrated with a marking and vision system, make of the serie S the perfect solution for this type of product.

HSC350 - Serie M - Metal detector
Any of the HSC350 checkweigher, integrated with the metal detector, becomes a M Serie. Multi or mono frequency, it is recommended when you need to verify the presence of metallic parts in your pre-packed product.
HSC350 - Serie H
When your product is particularly heavy and/or large, the right solution is the checkweigher H Serie. It is allowed to weigh from 15 to 50 kg, with tape conveyor width up to 500 mm and it's indicated to control product like hardbounded or cassettes.
HSC350 - Serie E
If your first problem is the space, the best solution is this compact checkweigher with only one conveyor belt: it reassumes, starting from 400 mm of width, the complete functionality of a complete checkweigher. It can be also integrated, also in a second time, with any control device HSC350 (weigh-price labeler, metal-detector, marking system...).
HSC350 - Serie Z
In its standard configuration the Serie Z has four conveyor belts: the first one ables to distance incoming product, the second one perform a precise weighing of the package and the third one divides the non-complying packages in two different trails, one for overweight and another one for underweight.
Automatic weigh price labeler

HSC350 - Serie KS
The smaller model in the HSC350 weigh-price labeler serie. It's used for product with small and medium dimension: it's tape conveyor is width up to 300 mm and it can label up to 90 pieces for minute. Thanks to its air blaster it is optimal for the labeling of fragile and soft product.
HSC350 - Serie KW
When the product is particularly heavy and/or large, the correct solution is the weigh-price labeler Serie KW. It's able to weigh from 15 kg up to 30 kg, with tape conveyor width up to 500 mm it's optimal to label large hardbounded product or heavy cassettes.
HSC350 - Serie KH
The new weigh price labeller HSC350 allows, other than the normal positioning of label, a labelling on the side and on the bottom of the product. It is very simple to rotate the printer head to put the label anywhere on your package.