Multi-channel Sorter

Each products of series HSC350 can be completed with multichannel-sorter.
Above, you can find some videos with the multichannel-sorter in action.
With the integration of multichannel-sorter is possible to re-insert in the control line the discarded products, sorting between products in weight-excess and weight-defect. They now can be corrected, manually or automatically, and then re-sended to the control-weigh unit.
on the product packed by making sure that no more than the right amount is batched, thus achieving an immediate profitRespect
the current laws governing pre-packed products and guarantee that your customers receive the right amountInnovate
your production management tools and make the product traceableInvest
in the quality of your production process to obtain the best opportunities for yout companySimplify
the monitoring operations by opting for automated weighing instead of the old manual inspection method
For the full brouchure or more information about this new checkweigher line, contact us.