Statistic package
Each product of serie HSC350 can be completed with statitic pack Stat350.

With the integration of software Stat350 comes faced the management of the group and advanced statistics.
It is possible to calculate the average weight in different group of work, the maximum weight and the minimum one; It is registered the quantity of product discarded for weight excess of weight defect.
It can be implemented with the insertion of the 8 inches monochromatic touch screen and the 11 inches color touch screen VGA.
The Stat350 software offers the following functions:

- Management of products Archives, with definition of the parameters of the confection to realize.
- Real-time visualization of production cadence.
- Real-time visualization of statistic data and group of production.
- Visualization of daily report of production group.

New Version - 10 April 2010
In this new version some problems and insubstantialities has been correct. Also a lot of new functions like notes, product tare, multi-tasking and graphic have been added; The program can now be interrupted and restarted from the same point in a precise product lot.
It's also possibile to lock with password every operation, from the "end lot" one to the "change product" one. Also language and products characteristics can be changed very easly and quickly: the new user's manual is now available with software (English or italian version).