Marking system

Each products of series HSC350 can be completed with the marking system.
It's now available the new Marking System, it's able to print information on the product during the march on the conveyor belt: from 1 to 4 rows can be printed with every character and/or date in each format, serial number or bar code.

The Marking System is typically used to mark each element of the production lot with a certain due date, but it can be used for print every type of information.
The user's interafce is simple and intuitive: setting on a terminal the type and the dimension of the character, any number of rows (max 4), the distance to conveyor belt and the speed of it, the marking system is ready to use.

It's also possibile to combine this Marking System HSC350 with a Vision System that allows to find eventual defects on this print or other one. It's then possibile to eject it from the production.