Labeler with shovel

The model HSC350K-A is a line of price-labeler with automatic application of the label on single product. The unit allows a standalone use, without necessity of other equipment, but it can be easy integrated in another line of production.
Large range
The possibile preparations are numerous and comprise version from one to four tapes conveyor allowing the use as weigh-price labeler and as standard checkweigher. A local database allows the management of all paramter, like label layout or label position.

High print speed
Until 180 labels for minute with printer of 4 inches and 300 mm/s, possibility of integration of two more printers with print-width between 2 and 4 inches. Air blast with optional cylinder pre-stroke or rotating applicator.
The 8" touch screen is employable on the full range HSC350 and it's equipped of wireless or bluetooth connection and keyboard with infrared external trackball. It allows the use of more windows applications allowing an easy interation of different print engine and the client access to company database.
The print engines have an integrated keyboard/display group and they are equipped of own resources for an easy integration, allowing - for example - the management of label.

Labeling in every conditions
A modern technique of labeling with shovel make possible: Sure efficiency, labeling on every type of surface, dry or wet. Not least, the absolutely precise positioning of the labels defined from the operator by the control system HSC350.
The display and the control system have a great facility of use respecting however the current regulations. Thanks to a compact planning, automatic labeler HSC350 occupy the minimal space, allowing that its numerous benefits are applicable also in small places.
Compact design
Thanks to a modular planning, is possible to turn the single “labelling body" on a hinge, guaranteeing an optimal positioning in every production line and assuring the perfect positioning of the label also on products of large dimensions.

The automatic labeler HSC350 is planned to be versatile, it can in fact be used or in modality stand-alone with personal support or integrated in a completely automatic production line. For integration on line of production are available a series of integration accessories, like separation belts, compensators of height and tapes guide.
The automatic labeler HSC350 can weigh and label products of different dimension always in correct position. It's moreover possible to fix a relation weight-price for every type of product controlled online. The tape conveyor separated from the strap allows the transport also of round products, like the sausages or the tomatoes.
Optionals and pheriperals
In automatic weight-labeler HSC350 can be added, depending from the requirements of production, numerous accessories, that make the product very versatile and of easy integration.
Vision system
Friday, February 23, 2007 - 19:12.
It's available a new peripherals for the HSC350 checkweigher serie: the new Vision System allows to make dimensional measures, check eventual print errors in the label...
Marking system
Friday, February 23, 2007 - 19:11.
t's now available the new Marking System, it's able to print information on the product during the march on the conveyor belt: from 1 to 4 rows can be print...
Conveyor belt
Wednesday, May 17, 2006 - 14:25.
The connection tape comes used in order to supply a connection between more operating machines. The peripheral can operate with an external command or with a direct button sited on the tape.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006 - 14:21.
The diverters are installed in order to remove from the production line the product that turns out not consistent for weight or contamination from metal; between the models usable on the HSC350 series can be distinguished: ...
Automatic and semi-automatic labeler
Thursday, May 11, 2006 - 17:21.
The automatic labeler HSC350K-A is a weigh-price line with automatic application of the label on single products. The unit allows the standalone use, without no other equipment needed. It can be simply integrated in every production line.
Combined checkweigher metal detector
Thursday, May 11, 2006 - 17:17.
The Metal-detector - multifrequency or monofrequency - can be integrated on each production line reassuming in a small spaces a very complete machine...
Touch screen
Monday, May 8, 2006 - 16:52.
Between the options are present two touch screen, one of 5 inches monochromatic and another one of 8 inches with VGA.
Statistic package
Friday, May 5, 2006 - 17:19.
Each product of series HSC350 can be completed with statistic pack Stat350.
With the integration of software Stat350 comes faced the management of the group and advanced statistics.
Multi-channel Sorter
Friday, May 5, 2006 - 17:15.
Each products of series HSC350 can be completed with multichannel-sorter.
With the integration of multichannel-sorter is possible to re-insert in the control line the discarded products...
Thursday, April 13, 2006 - 14:48.
The ejectors are installed in order to remove from the production...
Standard checkweigher
Tuesday, April 11, 2006 - 17:26.
In your line, with the insertion of HSC350 Standard Checkweigher will be added a control on the product, which assure that, if it is in excess or defect weight conditions, it will be discarded for future use.