
In 1976 the Nemesis begins its activity in the fields of the industrial electronics and the system electrical worker, constituting of fact two independent divisions, in perfect synergy between they, in a position to facing and resolving the problematic of the industrial automation.
The company has been developed careful to the demands for the market, often anticipating projecting solutions of elevated technological content. In 1978, with the employment of one of the first exemplary of personal computer joints in Italy (a PET 2001), it realized and it proposed industrial automations enslaved from calculating; in 1979, year of birth of the PLC, Nemesis installed in USSR two systems for the micro-climatic control in experimental place, based on personal PET 3032. In the same year the presentation of the first equipment to up for the regulation of ceramic furnaces, equipped of video system.

In the years succeeded the company realizes controls of power for boosting in fusion furnaces of beyond 1000 KVA, inverter to in PWM from 5 KVA and a control system pressed for stamping glass still today in production - never changed - in the projectual solutions. At the same time the technical staff who followed the activity of the field of the system electrical worker, he distinguished himself for the realizations of vanguard with PLC employment trades them.

In 1983, with the transfer in one more width and functional center, the subdivision of technical and human resources is delineated on the two branches of activity.

The successive year sees the presentation of the first controller to free programming entire realized from the Nemesis, employee in the realization of two systems of inner movimentation supplies everyone of beyond 1000 incomes and escapes, with connection given to managerial computer for the automatic invoicing.
From then the number of solutions proposed from the Division Electronic of the Company it grows to supported rhythms, preventing the obsolescence of the products in the respect of the compatibility with the equipment of previous realization, while the Division Systems, with the employment of PLC of the main international Marches, realizes new solutions fruit of the continuous search applied for the best conditions.

With the introduction of systems CAD and CAE, integrated from modern stations of development software and sophisticated equipment of control hardware the Nemesis qualification ulterior its presence in the fields of activity, proposing itself as partner of vanguard for the planning and the realization of systems of automation or command panels.
Video systems, enslavements in automations of warehouse with use of code to bars, controls for manipulating, systems of dosage and weighing, command for transport lines and working, squares for some automatic machine: projected, realized and assisted, with exchanges of data toward automatic application like personal computer and managerial computer.