New checkweigher combined with metal-detector

Nemesis, in continuous evolution with its series of models for the dynamics weigh-price labeling, introduces the new lines of checkweigher combined with metal detector for products of small, medium and large dimension, from 20 g up to 50 kg.

Thanks to the integration of metal-detector system on the feeding conveyor of checkweigher, the new HSC350 serie M reassumes, starting from 900 mm of length, the complete functionality required for a complete end-of-line control.

Modular and flexible
Thanks to its modular construction, the new line combined with metal-detector could be supplied also in two different modules. In this configuration it allows the best flexibility of use:

it's enough to connect the "checkweigher" module with the "metal-detector" one in order to obtain again a complete line. This separation allows, in addition to the possibility of use only one of these control in another production line, to buy the control line in two different steps without loosing the perfect integration of a system designed for the cooperation.