New sorting lines

Nemesis, in continuous evolution with its series of models for the dynamics weigh-labelling, introduces the new sorting lines for agro-industrial products with automatic loading.
An investment for the future of your company
Invest in the quality of your production process, respect the current laws governing pre-packed products and guarantee that your customers receive the right amount but save on the product packed by making sure that no more than the right amount is batched, thus achieving an immediat profit.
Control 100% of production
Each pre-pack loaded on the lines is weighed at high speed by the checkweigher and, if the weight is correct, is conveyed to the next step of packaging.
Packages that are underweight or overweight are delicately conveyed to the re-processing lines, which has two separate lanes. Here, the product is differentiated according to its weigh defect, thus allowing the pre-pack to be easily adjusted by the operator in charge.